Why give people who are merely CRITICS the POWER to determine YOUR PATH in LIFE?
It’s good to listen and apply advise from those who have informed opinions……but some people’s only purpose is to crush your spirit, your ambitions and to steer you away from God’s plan for your life.
At the end of the day they want you to join them in their mediocrity and miserable reality because THEY are unhappy with the life they made for themselves……
If you know you are called to something don’t let those with uninformed opinions and a track record of bitterness and criticism stand in the way of your purpose in life.
If I would’ve listened to my critics I wouldn't have TOURED THE NATION , WORKED WITH MY MUSICAL HEROES , HAD MULTIPLE NUMBER 1’S on CHRISTIAN ROCK RADIO and seen so many LIVES CHANGED though our music.
A compulsive critic only is good for what they do best... CRITICIZE 🙏 If God calls you, He will equip you! The hate and criticism doesn’t matter. Learn to discern the difference between opinions based in well informed wisdom and opinions rooted in a critical spirit.